Short Term Memory

Take 30 seconds to memorize a geometric sequence in this four by four grid.

Then, try recalling the exact sequence by dragging the tiles from the right column to their respective positions.

You may use the hint only once. Let’s see how you fare. good luck!

  • Was it easy? Was it difficult? Did you get all correct? Do you have to use the hint? What was your strategy?
    People who have dyslexia often have memory difficulties. Therefore, they tend to forget instructions, have problems learning multiplication tables, and easily lose track of what they are doing.
  • Help your child :

    Know your child's strengths and weakness

    As a parent, you want to support your child in any way you can and nobody understands them like you do.

    Help compensate for weakness

    One way to compensate for poor working memory is to break up or chunk information. This way, it takes up fewer "slows" in working memory. Give one or two, not a long string of, instructions.

    Reinforce what works for them

    "Did you think of a song or an image? Did you repeat it to yourself? Or, did you use a rhyme to help you with your multiplication tables?" Help a child identify what worked well.

    Use working memory as a floodlight to plan action

    Parents should teach children to use available working memory to be more efficient, instead of focusing on multi-tasking.

    Train their working memory

    Example, practice remembering orders forward and backwards.

  • Make technology an aid
    Reconsider video games
    Encourage exercise
    Build a healthy relationship
    Laughter is the best medicine
  • Miller’s Law states that the number of objects an average human can hold in working memory is 7 plus/minus 2. Research also revealed that we can improve our memory using specific training to make our memory more efficient.
    Once we learn something, it can become automatic. Therefore, the more we practice something, the better we are at doing it and remembering it.
    Memory Strategies
    One way is through multi-sensory methods so that children can learn with all their senses and hopefully increase their ability to recall information.
    Learning in a more meaningful and organized way can help us to recall information when we need it.
    When we understand the information we are learning, then it is easier for us to remember it.